Sharing Produce in our Community
Mansfield Fresh Food Drive

The Mansfield Food Drive is a RESPOND initiative that engages home fruit & vegetable growers in our community to donate excess produce which is then packaged and provided to families in need.
So, how does it work?
Step 1
We engage with home fruit & vegetable growers in our community who often find themselves with an excess of produce come harvest time.
Step 2
We invite local growers in our community to donate their excess produce; as much or as little as they may have.
Step 3
Our local volunteers will accept the produce from growers and sort it to present to families.
Step 4
Local Families attend to collect produce at no cost to them. Our volunteers are there to provide assistance and answer any questions the families may have.

Would you like to be involved?
+ Produce donations / collections occur on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month between 8.30am - 10.30am at St John's Church Hall @ 43 Highett St Mansfield.
For more information contact Pamela by email at psdalgliesh@bigpond.com
For volunteering opportunities contact Meg by email at megan.dunn@mdh.org.au

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